Pretty good game, with a fatal flaw.
I played through the whole game, if you want me to keep the secret of the last level i will. But the thing that you reeeallly have to change is the Hitboxes for the mines and explosives..... They are waaaaay too big. I can tell you're using the hitTest code, cuz it's testing for the bounding boxes to collide, and since the mines and bombs are circles, you might have to change what you are testing for collision. The reason why this is a big problem is because you can get hit by mines and stuff when you can even tell that you were far enough to brush by it. What it looks like is that youre not even touching the mine, but it explodes you anyways. So if you're gonna use the hitTest, put a clip inside that clip, make it smaller (so the bound box is smaller than the borders of the circle) and test for that collision. It will make this game less annoying when you die.
Anyways pretty fun game.